
Keith Pollard, Brookfield, Broadway

One service in our churches this Sunday… at 10.30 am with Morning Praise at St Andrews.

Meet and proper… our Parish Council meets on Tuesday next in the village hall at 7.15 pm. Over the past year, these monthly meetings, fully open to the public in their transparency, have been heavily visited by residents with a natural burning interest in the Market Garden site, the East Field site, and the Ridge Fire Station full-time closure. Visitors may sometimes feel that the discussions feature a superfluity of trivia, but each item has its own importance and a need for resolution and, hidden among the minutiae, a question of vital significance may be discovered. Go along on Tuesday and you’ll see what I mean.

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Night-time robbery… Only one in our catchment in the latest Police round-up, and that was on February 10 in Rosemary Lane. An outbuilding was broken into between 9 pm and 11.20 pm, and the items stolen items included a Makita cordless power drill, a DeWalt hammer drill, a Makita chainsaw and an arc welder. Gone are the days of our childhood when an ‘outbuilding’ would certainly have contained no power tools, but possibly many squares of newspaper on a string. These days our outbuildings can be among the most valuable storage spaces in your property – make sure yours is as secure and protected as you can.

Pett Waddlers… is a new parent and toddler group, which is opening on Friday, March 1 at Pett Chapel. It will be open to all parents, grandparents, carers and children aged from 0 to school age.

They will be meeting each Friday from 1.30 to 3 pm, finishing then so that anybody who also has school age children can go and pick them up. There will be toys for the children, a cuppa for the adults, drinks and fruit or bikkies for the children, craft, music, stories and more! This promises to

be an excellent, invaluable facility for the locality. If you would like more information, please contact Wendy on 812297 or Philippa on 422874 - or just go along.

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Almost there… There was a short introduction to Fairlight’s new Trefoil Guild in Village Voice a month ago, and now it is upon us! The Guild is best likened to Guiding for Adults, and it will be ideal for those who like the idea of learning something new, travelling, meeting new people and getting involved in local Guiding and Scouting projects. The Guild will meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 10 am to 12 noon, in St Peter’s Church, with the inaugural meeting being on Wednesday next, February 27. Anyone who is interested is invited to go along and find out what goes on and how you can become a member. Even if you have never been involved in Guiding or Scouting in the past, a warm welcome awaits you! To become a full member you should be aged at least 18. If you would like more information, please contact Betty Snow on 812694, or email her at [email protected]. A quick read of the Trefoil Guild website proves very interesting, and there you will learn that the first Guilds were registered with the Guiding movement 66 years ago. Fairlight’s Guild will join 24 others already established in East Sussex.

Practice makes perfect… at the Floral Club, where next Thursday’s practice meeting is entitled Shrove Tuesday, with displays that are to include lemons. Though not, I suspect, pancakes. The meeting starts at 2.30 pm in the village hall, and new members will be welcome enjoy the fun. Betty Snow, who is Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, can supply more details if you are interested, and her number, as in the article above, is 812694

Is it Spring…? The Annuals are blooming already – the Annual General Meetings, that is. The Gardening and Bowls Clubs have had theirs, and tonight it is the turn of the Pantomime Group, commencing at 7.30 pm in the village hall. All current members are welcome to attend, as are any interested newcomers.

And another coming shortly… a bit of advance notice for the AGM of the Activate Youth Club will be held upstairs at the Cove in Waites Lane on Wednesday, March 13, at 7.30 pm. Do please go along and offer your support, but remember that, if you would like to vote at this meeting, you must be an active member of the Activate organisation. This organisation is a thriving asset for our village and the surrounding area, and fully warrants all the help and support you can give it.

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Going, going… but not yet gone; that’s tickets for the fine evening’s entertainment being organised by the Players for Friday, March 8, when Ann Rachlin will be their guest speaker. Ann is renowned for her presentational skills and ‘Edy was a Lady’, about Edith Craig and her mother, actress Ellen Terry, will include material unique to Fairlight. The village hall is the venue, 7 for 7.30 pm, and the cost is £7.50 per head, which includes a Players’ supper. Carol Ardley, 814178, and Fairlight Post Office have the tickets. Better grab yours before it’s too late – their recent Murder Mystery was over subscribed and some people were disappointed

Let there be music… the Cove has started a series of ‘Acoustic Nites’ on every other Wednesday starting at 8.30 pm. The evening nine days ago was the second such offering which saw a number of locals performing on guitars and banjo, and there were singers too. The next event will be on Wednesday, February 27. Anyone can join in, although it is definitely not karaoke.

The Gardening Club’s next talk…is on Monday week, March 4, when the subject will be ‘Stonelynk community gardens’, given by Nina. Start time is 2.30 pm in the village hall, and all comers will be welcome. Don’t forget that the Club Trading Hut is open on Saturday mornings from 10 am until noon, and they stock just about everything you need for your garden.

If I knew you were coming… I’d take you to the Comic Relief Bake Sale, which is in the village hall on Saturday, March 2 from 10 am to 12 noon. Get along, with or without your Red Nose, and buy a cake or two! Sorry, there are no further details at present.

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Waites Lane potholes… Sorry about the fanciful stuff last week about lava flows to block the inland lake affecting the main artery in the village. None of it was true, I’m afraid. However, I hear the County Council is now awaiting further heavy spells of rain, so they can start selling fishing permits…