Is today your birthday? If so you're in good company

Serena WilliamsSerena Williams
Serena Williams
Today is the most popular day to be born in England and Wales according to data revealed this week.

According to the Office for National Statistics, September 26 has been the most popular day to be born over the last two decades in England and Wales.

And if today’s your birthday you share it with stars such as Brian Ferry, Will Self, actor Ricky Tomlinson and sports heroes Serena Williams and Michael Ballack.

So what happened 9 months ago?

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Boxing day. So just think about that next time mum and dad have a twinkle in their eyes over the festive period.

Commemorating the occasion

The Royal Mail is commemorating the occasion by publishing a new gallery of vintage birthday cards from the 19th century.

The practice of sending birthday cards seems to have originated in England in the 19th century, with the original purpose of apologising to friends or family for missing a birthday celebration.

The introduction of the postage stamp to the UK in 1840 meant the practice of sending cards became more affordable and commonplace.

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Royal Mail spokesman David Gold said: “The joy of receiving birthday cards and reading well wishes from our loved ones never gets old, even as we do.

“Birthday cards are still a thriving market in a world that can feel dominated by email and social media.

“We are proud to play an important part in this much loved tradition every single day.”

Hand-made and hand-delivered greetings cards became prevalent in 14th century Europe, with some early German examples carved out of wood.